year 8, Issue 10 (Winter 2019/2020 2019)                   Rooyesh 2019, 8(10): 63-70 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

University of Tehran, Faculty of psychology and educational science ,
Abstract:   (2536 Views)
The primary purpose of learning and the process of education is conceptual understanding and the flexible use of knowledge. In other words, keeping knowledge alone is not enough in the method of excellent teaching, Rather, understanding the relationships between facts or discovering and producing facts is the main result of the learning process. The primary goal in schools is to create real pleasure and enthusiasm for students to learn and to succeed, and to engage students in projects and activities based on their own volition and satisfaction. This is the interest and preference that will lead to greater flexibility of the people in the problem-solving process, more useful knowledge acquisition and the deeper feelings of worthiness and social responsibility. Applying the theory of self-determination in education, creating a passion for learning in students, understanding the importance of teaching, and building trust in their capacities and attitudes. These results will be obtained when students are motivated by internal motivation and internalize values and rules. Studies have shown that this process will lead to high-quality learning and conceptual understanding, and ultimately to individual development and adaptation. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between satisfaction of basic psychological needs and internal motivation with students' engagement in school activities, conceptual and profound understanding of lesson content, and improvement of students' academic performance.  This study is descriptive (review type). To investigate this issue, we have studied some articles related to the theory of self-determination in the field of learning and education. In this regard, in addition to external sources of information, resources and databases inside Iran are also investigated. In the first phase, a total of 38 English articles and 8 Persian articles were recorded. After the final review, 37 articles were selected from these articles that contained 5 Persian articles and 32 English articles. The various studies suggest that autonomy-supportive learning contexts, in which teachers take the students’ perspective, provide choice, and minimize the use of controlling language and controlling events, lead to enhanced conceptual learning, more interest, greater internalization of extant values and greater well-being.
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Type of Article: systematic review | Subject: General Psychology
Received: 2018/12/31 | Revised: 2020/01/7 | Accepted: 2019/03/2 | ePublished: 2019/12/31

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