Yarmohamadi Khameneh R, Iraji M, Shirvan J. (2023). Qualitative analysis of the communicative elements influencing the exchange of children stories’ messages based on the cognitive pragmatics perspective.
12(9), 85-94.
1- Department of linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. , miraji180@gmail.com
Abstract: (406 Views)
Children's literature is a tool to gain knowledge about the abstract world, few studies have been conducted based on cognitive perspectives. This study analyses the messages of five age groups to not only compare them from the cognitive pragmatics perspective but also to find out how the messages are expressed. So, fifteen books were evaluated by deductive content analysis using theoretical saturation. The messages are classified in the categorization matrix based on cognitive pragmatics. The classification was based on two methods of message transmission, standard and non-standard, and related elements (non-verbal, exploitation, deception, and failure). The stories of the young saplings contained emotions excitement and cognitive reactions, and the minor group experienced excited reactions in interaction with their surroundings. In group A, the focus of the messages is emotional-cognitive under the influence of the environment, and the authors are trying to tie them to the realities to paint a more realistic picture for the child. In group B, we are faced with motivational messages that aim to help children strengthen their self-confidence and overcome disappointments and difficulties in life. In group C, the moral messages needed for collective life are the main core of the messages, the use of metaphor has helped to convey them more deeply. Based on the findings, the exchange of messages in the stories of young and minor children is based on non-verbal interaction, in groups A and B, mainly the use of exploitation, and in age group C, non-verbal is also used.
Type of Article:
Qualitative article |
Educational Psychology Received: 2023/01/28 | Accepted: 2023/06/25 | ePublished: 2023/12/1