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year 7, Issue 3 (spring2018 2018)                   Rooyesh 2018, 7(3): 111-128 | Back to browse issues page

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khormaei F, fasehani S, azadi dehbidi F. (2018). Prediction of academic adjustmen based on learning styles and academic self regulation. Rooyesh. 7(3), 111-128.
URL: http://frooyesh.ir/article-1-458-en.html
1- shiraz university , khormaei@shirazu.ac.ir
2- shiraz university
3- education
Abstract:   (3351 Views)

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of learning style and academic self-regulation in order to predict academic adjustment among students. In this project, 250 female students of Shiraz University have participated. These students have chosen by the stratified cluster sampling method. They answered to the self-regulation Bouffurd (1995), Kolb learning style (1985), academic adjustment Baker & Siryk(1989) questionnaires. The results were analyzed by multiple linear regression by using the SPSS 21 software. Outcomes imply that just abstract conceptualization in four learning styles is positive predictive of academic adjustment. also, academic self- regulation is positive predictive of academic adjustment. Considering predictive coefficient of this variable, it is suggested that university set a workshop on self-regulation academic training.

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Type of Article: Research | Subject: General Psychology
Received: 2016/09/13 | Accepted: 2017/12/31 | ePublished: 2018/06/30

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