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year 8, Issue 3 (Sprig 2019 2019)                   Rooyesh 2019, 8(3): 195-204 | Back to browse issues page

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(2019). Comparison of emotional intelligence and adaptability, in students who have kindergarten experienced and those who have not experienced. Rooyesh. 8(3), 195-204.
URL: http://frooyesh.ir/article-1-201-en.html
Abstract:   (2227 Views)

Purpose: The purpose of current study is to compare the emotional intelligence and adaptation of pre-school students who have experienced kindergarten with those who have not experienced it. The study population includes all junior high school students of Robat Karim, Tehran. The present study sample was stratified random sampling method and was randomized equally disproportionate between  students with kindergarten experience and 72 students who have not enrolled in kindergarten.Regarding its purpose, the current study is causal - comparative.Instrument: Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire of Shutte et al. shot and Compatibility Questionnaire of Sina and Sing were utilized both of which were confirmed from the reliability and validity point of view.To analyze the data, descriptive statistics including average and SD as well as Inferential statistics including MANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation Coordinate were used. Statistical analysis was conducted in SPSS v.21.Research Findings: EI and adaptability of students who have child care experience, the ones that do not have child care experience, the better.Findings: E.I, adaptability and all the parameters of emotional intelligence and adaptability of students who have enrolled in kindergarten programs is higher than those who have not experienced it.Suggestion: It is recommended that research to be conducted with other variables in line with the current study. Parents who want their children to enjoy the kindergarten experience advantages should take into account the factors such as the child's physical and mental condition, age of the child to enter kindergarten, duration of stay in kindergartens and nursery facilities, conditions that they expect their children to have, and plan for it.

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Type of Article: Research | Subject: Educational Psychology
Received: 2016/02/23 | Accepted: 2016/07/9 | ePublished: 2019/06/15

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