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year 13, Issue 11 (Winter 2025 2025)                   Rooyesh 2025, 13(11): 61-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Abdoli A, Ahmadi S. (2025). Helicopter Parenting and Psychological-Social Health of Adolescent and Emerging Adults: A Systematic Review. Rooyesh. 13(11), 61-72.
URL: http://frooyesh.ir/article-1-5567-en.html
1- MSc in Family counseling, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. , dr.ahmadi.sedighe@khu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (675 Views)
The present study aimed to examine the effects of helicopter parenting on the psychological-social health of adolescents and emerging adults. Based on specialized keywords in English databases from 2017 to 2024 and in domestic databases from 1398 to 1403, 313 articles were reviewed according to the inclusion criteria and quality assessment using the PRISMA model. After the final quality evaluation, 56 articles were included in the study based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria relevant to answering the research question. The results of various studies indicated that although helicopter parenting has positive effects (psychological adjustment and well-being) in some research, the majority of the literature highlights its negative impacts on the psychological aspects (eating disorders and sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression, risky behaviors, self-inflation and impulsivity, problems in the components related to individuality, academic problems, job problems, poor life skills) and on social health aspect (lack of trust and alienation between peers, negative interactions, lack of mastery and reduced competence in relationships, moral disengagement) in adolescents and emerging adults. Considering the findings of the present study, the effects of helicopter parenting on the psychological-social health of adolescents and emerging adults are generally assessed as negative.
Full-Text [PDF 547 kb]   (517 Downloads)    
Type of Article: systematic review | Subject: Educational Psychology
Received: 2024/08/6 | Accepted: 2024/12/23 | ePublished: 2025/01/29

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