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year 8, Issue 11 (Winter 2020 2020)                   Rooyesh 2020, 8(11): 149-158 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehaqin V, Hejazi E. (2020). Investigating the Process of Learning and Motivation in the flipped classroom: Review Article. Rooyesh. 8(11), 149-158.
URL: http://frooyesh.ir/article-1-1593-en.html
1- Ph.D Student, University of Tehran
2- Assosiat Professor, University of Tehran , ehejazi@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4799 Views)
Education with the flipped method is a new approach in the world. In a flipped classroom, the common practice of teaching is flipped, and students are doing their homework in the classroom and teaching was happening at home. Students learn with videos and podcasts in the home that the teacher prepared their before and gave them to students, and do their homework, ask and answer in the classroom. At the school, the teacher says the main topic and the students have to think and research about it, and explain their understanding together, and then the teacher teaches it. Doing homework, repeat, and exercise, asking and answering, and discussion about educational topics are part of classroom activities that replaced with teaching in the classroom, finally, changing the classroom layout leads to increased motivation, dynamism, and deeper learning. In the current that the students' cognitive and virtual literacy and technology have increased, and in the period that variety of books and educational videos were used and welcomed, flipped learning can enter to our education system quickly. The aim of this study is the investigation of the learning process and motivation in the flipped classroom. In this study, the research background in relation to variables and the process of learning and motivation in the flipped class was investigated. Based on the findings, it can be argued that the flipped approach most likely meets students' need for motivation, autonomy and competitiveness, and because the student is required to participate in the search for knowledge, it will lead to sustainable learning.
Full-Text [PDF 640 kb]   (152 Downloads)    
Type of Article: Analysis | Subject: Educational Psychology
Received: 2019/03/21 | Accepted: 2019/08/7 | ePublished: 2020/01/30

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