Kashanaki H, Pournaghash Tehrani S, Ghorbani N, Bahrami Ehsan H. (2021). Sensorimotor Mindful Interventions: A New Method to Enhance Mental and Physical Health.
10(9), 21-34.
1- PhD student, Department Of Psychology, Faculty Of Education And Psychology, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2- Associate Professor, Department Of Psychology, Faculty Of Education And Psychology, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. , spnaghash@ut.ac.ir
3- Professor, Department Of Psychology, Faculty Of Education And Psychology, University Of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (1214 Views)
Mindfulness has recently been considered by many mental health professionals as a predictor trait of mental and physical health and many therapeutic methods seek to increase clients' mindfulness in order to achieve health. However, there is no difference between the effectiveness of static psychotherapy and mindfulness-focused approaches. Also, mindfulness-based therapeutic methods usually perform mindful interventions the traditional way in a static manner, which leads to the repression of emotions, and these methods are not compatible with the dynamism and pace of the modern world and the dynamics of the postmodern human mind. Movement, dynamic psychotherapeutic interventions, exciting games, and challenges have been designed into sensorimotor mindful interventions. In the present study, sensorimotor mindful interventions were designed and formulated through a bio-psycho-social approach, using a mixed-method and the data obtained from 20 (including 10 men and 10 women) of the clients of the psychology clinic. In the quantitative study, the effectiveness of the designed interventions on integrative self-knowledge was measured for a sample of 30 people (including 19 men and 11 women). In this paper, the literature in the field of psychotherapy that confirms the theoretical basis of sensorimotor mindful interventions was reviewed under the discussion and conclusion section. The results of this study showed that sensorimotor mindful interventions are in line with the most up-to-date studies in the field of health and psychotherapy and these interventions incorporate a wide range of therapeutic methods. The quantitative study also showed that sensorimotor mindful interventions increase integrative self-knowledge (p < 0.05). With regard to the fact that integrative self-knowledge is one of the most important emotional self-regulation processes and a predictor of health and a sign of becoming conscious of the unconscious, the results of this study showed that sensorimotor mindful interventions lead to derepression, reconstruction of real scenes of each individual’s life, and compassionate confrontation with mental and physical reality without verbal barriers. Also, empowering the mind and body using a variety of games and challenges which bring broad personality traits to consciousness in each individual leads the person to self-actualization and talent development.
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Health Received: 2020/11/26 | Accepted: 2021/06/26 | ePublished: 2021/12/1