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year 13, Issue 11 (Winter 2025 2025)                   Rooyesh 2025, 13(11): 125-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Naghipour Z, Pali S. (2025). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral game therapy on working memory, sustained attention, impulse control and aggression in hyperactive adolescents. Rooyesh. 13(11), 125-134.
URL: http://frooyesh.ir/article-1-5431-en.html
1- Master's student in Educational Psychology, Department of Psychology, Tonekabon Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran. , samirapali624@gmail.com
Abstract:   (99 Views)
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral game therapy on working memory, sustained attention, impulse control, and aggression in hyperactive adolescents. The present study was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group with a two-month follow-up phase. The statistical population of the research included all hyperactive adolescents who were referred to counseling in the city of Tankabon in the academic year 2023-2024. The research sample consisted of 30 people who were selected by purposive sampling and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people in each group). To collect data, the computerized Continuous Performance Test (CPT Rosold (1956), Damine and Carpenter Working Memory Test (DCAMT) (1980), Wilcoxon Impulsivity Questionnaire (WIQ) (1970), Bass and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ, 1992) were used. The data were analyzed using the method of analysis of variance with repeated measurements and Ben Feroni's post hoc test. The findings showed that the difference between the pre-test and the post-test (educational intervention effect) and the difference between the pre-test and the follow-up (time effect) were significant in all components. was (P<0.001) and the difference between the intervention group and the control group is significant in terms of the average scores of active memory, sustained attention, impulse control, and aggression in the entire study stages (P<0.001). Cognitive-behavioral is one of the effective methods in promoting active memory and sustained attention and reducing impulsiveness and aggression in hyperactive teenagers.
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Type of Article: Research | Subject: Family Psychology
Received: 2024/05/29 | Accepted: 2024/07/12 | ePublished: 2025/01/29

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