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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Group Gestalt Therapy in Social anxiety and Test anxiety in female's students. This research has experimented with pretest- posttest design, conducted with a control and experimental group. The study population included all of the undergraduate students at the University of Sari, belonging to the academic year of 2015-2016. Fifty students were selected randomly for this particular purpose. The participants were given Kanver social anxiety, Sarason test anxiety and did pretest. Among those students, twenty of them who experienced more anxiety were chosen. Consequently,therapy was performed on them. At the end of the sessions ,the students in both groups had to do a posttest.The data were analyzed through the utilization of covariance analyses.According to the mean scores, it can be concluded that Gestalt therapy has a significant effect on reducing students' social anxiety. Also with respect to the mean scores, it can be (2203 Downloads)
The relationship between Practice religious beliefs and hope With Elderly life satisfaction (2197 Downloads)
Examining the process of social cognition in schizophrenia disorder (2189 Downloads)
The Prediction of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Based on Attachment Pathologies (2155 Downloads)
A phenomenological exploration of cohabitation (Case study: youth in Tehran) (2142 Downloads)
The Effect of Creative Movement Games on the social skills Development in Educatable Intellectual Disabled Children (2132 Downloads)
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